Compound fertilizers are classified as either two-element (phosphorus-potassium, nitrogen-phosphorus, and nitrogen-potassium) or three-element (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium). Depending on the method of production, they are considered complex, complex-mixed, or mixed. Compound fertilizers are used for all crops, whereas complex fertilizers are used primarily for industrial crops, such as cotton and sugar beets.
Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived from animal or vegetable matter. (e.g. compost, manure). Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed, humic acid, and guano. Processed organic fertilizers include compost, blood meal, bone meal, humic acid, amino acids, and seaweed extracts. Other examples are natural enzyme-digested proteins, fish meal, and feather meal. Decomposing crop residue (green manure) from prior years is another source of fertility.
compound fertilizers characteristic
Variations of compound fertilizers are used for nearly all crops. Complex fertilizers, which are produced through chemical interaction, are used primarily for industrial crops such as cotton and sugar beets. These complex fertilizers are a type of compound fertilizer with a chemical reaction being required to complete the production process. Commercially available compounds are typically free-flowing, allowing a uniform dispersion. They are chemically uniform and safe to use. Controlled-release elements are used to avoid burning vegetation. Some products contain herbicides for a controlled feed and weed application. Compound fertilizers are available from Landscaping and agricultural supply stores also carry a full line of compound fertilizer products. compound products convenient, reliable and economic.
Organic fertilizer characteristic
Compost and organic material introduce beneficial microorganisms into the soil’s complex mix. Microorganisms commonly found in soil and compost convert organic nitrogen into inorganic nitrogen, a process called mineralization. Plants may then take up the nutrients released by this process. Composts contain an astonishing variety of microbes, many of which may be beneficial in controlling pathogens. Organic matter improves soil structure, resulting in a crumb-like structure that improves water retention, air infiltration and enhances soil fertility. Microorganisms can also break down contaminants in the soil and water to components that pose less of an environmental hazard.
Organic fertilizers are much cheaper as compared to chemical fertilizers. One can prepare organic fertilizers on their own by composting or mixing cow, sheep, or poultry manure with other organic matters. On the other hand, organic fertilizer is cost expensive than compound fertilizer when you buy it from market
N P K Ratio
Chemical fertilizers always have a high total N P K (nitrogen:phosphorous:potassium), from 20 to 60 percent or more. The total N P K for organic fertilizer blends will always be low. Fourteen percent is about as high as it gets.
Supply of nutrients
Organic fertilizers is their slow-release capability. Slow-release is less risk of over-fertilization but sometimes this is not able to fulfill to needed supply of the nutrients, whenever required. In contrast to organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizers are always there to provide immediate supply of nutrients to plants if situation demands.
As the forerunner and expert in China fertilizer equipment industry, we have always been your best choice for both traditional agriculture and sustainable agriculture healthy growing. From fertilizer production line to compound fertilizer granulation till BB fertilizer coating and packing,you can completely rely on us to offer the most proper turnkey solutions in need so that assist you produce a myriad of fertilizers equipment for home use and commercial use.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Fertilize The Plants
The Nutrition of The Plants Need
Plants require 17 elements for normal growth. The nutrients that are most likely to limit plant growth are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are found in air and water. Nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and sulfur are absorbed from the soil which this six elements are used in large amounts called macronutrients. There are eight include iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, and chlorine elements that are used in much smaller amounts called micronutrients or trace elements.
Plants Food
Plants use water, carbon dioxide, elements from fertilizer, and energy from the sun to produce their own food. Synthetic (manufactured) and natural (also called organic) fertilizers provide nutrients for plant growth. Fertilizer is not plant food. And correct amount of fertilizer can promote healthy flower production and foliage growth
Corrective Measures
If a plant is not doing well they should fertilize to correct the situation. Fertilization may be helpful but only after the problem causing poor growth has been corrected. Do not assume that an application of fertilizer will quickly remedy any problem which is encountered, in many cases it can make existing problems worse. You should attempt to determine the specific cause in each situation and apply corrective measures. These problem of poor growth may be caused by inadequate soil aeration, moisture, or nutrients; adverse climatic conditions; incorrect pH; or disease.
Excessive Fertilizer
A moderate rate of growth and good, green color is desired for most woody plants. Excessive fertilizer application can decrease plant health and can lead to decline and death. Over application or incorrect application of fertilizer can contribute to polluting our rivers, streams, lakes, and estuaries. Excess fertilizer can increase the likelihood of some plant diseases. Fertilizing plants that have already outgrown their allotted space can only lead to more pruning.
Soil Test
A soil test provides the best indicator of elements that may need to be added to the soil to prevent nutrient problems. Ideally, a soil sample should be taken before trees are planted. Additional samples can be taken every 3 to 5 years thereafter to determine whether any nutrients are lacking.
Combination Use Fertilize
Both organic (naturally occurring) and inorganic (synthetic) fertilizers can be used to supply trees nutrients. Inorganic fertilizer is usually highly soluble and is more rapidly available to trees than organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer takes time to break down and release nutrients more slowly. Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer may be combined so that nutrients are available to trees rapidly and for an extended period of time. Some inorganic fertilizers are coated with various products to slow down the release of nutrients. These are called slow release fertilizers and are used to extend the length of time nutrients are available to trees.
For latest information and news of fertilizer and fertilizer equipment, you can visit our fertilizer machinery which can supply many kinds of fertilizer production lines to produce top quality and nutrient-rich fertilizers.
Plants require 17 elements for normal growth. The nutrients that are most likely to limit plant growth are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are found in air and water. Nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and sulfur are absorbed from the soil which this six elements are used in large amounts called macronutrients. There are eight include iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, and chlorine elements that are used in much smaller amounts called micronutrients or trace elements.
Plants Food
Plants use water, carbon dioxide, elements from fertilizer, and energy from the sun to produce their own food. Synthetic (manufactured) and natural (also called organic) fertilizers provide nutrients for plant growth. Fertilizer is not plant food. And correct amount of fertilizer can promote healthy flower production and foliage growth
Corrective Measures
If a plant is not doing well they should fertilize to correct the situation. Fertilization may be helpful but only after the problem causing poor growth has been corrected. Do not assume that an application of fertilizer will quickly remedy any problem which is encountered, in many cases it can make existing problems worse. You should attempt to determine the specific cause in each situation and apply corrective measures. These problem of poor growth may be caused by inadequate soil aeration, moisture, or nutrients; adverse climatic conditions; incorrect pH; or disease.
Excessive Fertilizer

Soil Test
A soil test provides the best indicator of elements that may need to be added to the soil to prevent nutrient problems. Ideally, a soil sample should be taken before trees are planted. Additional samples can be taken every 3 to 5 years thereafter to determine whether any nutrients are lacking.
Combination Use Fertilize
Both organic (naturally occurring) and inorganic (synthetic) fertilizers can be used to supply trees nutrients. Inorganic fertilizer is usually highly soluble and is more rapidly available to trees than organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer takes time to break down and release nutrients more slowly. Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer may be combined so that nutrients are available to trees rapidly and for an extended period of time. Some inorganic fertilizers are coated with various products to slow down the release of nutrients. These are called slow release fertilizers and are used to extend the length of time nutrients are available to trees.
For latest information and news of fertilizer and fertilizer equipment, you can visit our fertilizer machinery which can supply many kinds of fertilizer production lines to produce top quality and nutrient-rich fertilizers.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Turn Compost Pile Regularly to Make it
Composting mimics and intensifies nature’s recycling plan. Compost is a type of long manurial effect bio-organic fertilizer. It mainly consists of various plant residue and human or animal manure , any of these materials would eventually decompose. But when a variety of materials are mixed together and kept moist and aerated, the process accelerates. it's also an extremely satisfying way to help the environment. To make good quality and nutritious bio-organic fertilizer, the very composting tool --compost turner is necessary.
Five important components to work effectively
Nitrogen (Green ingredients also wetter materials ): supply your pile with nitrogen which grow and reproduce organisms to oxidize the carbon. These additions are often green and wet:Fruit and vegetable trimmings, herbicide-free grass clippings . Every pile needs the green ingredients, Too much green stuff can lead to a rotting pile instead of a composting pile.
Carbon: (Brown ingredients also dry materials ): supply your pile with carbon for energy (heat). These items are often brown and drier--fall leaves, branches, hedge clippings, straw, pine needles ,hay and other dead plants material . The carbon is very necessary but again, too much has its consequences. If you have a pile with mostly prunings from your hedge and other woody stuff, the pile can take years to break down.
Oxygen, for oxidizing the carbon, facilitating the decomposition process. Done by regularly turning the mixture. If your compost becomes starved of oxygen, then it starts to produce greenhouse gases - so it's important to get air into your compost heap, for example turning it regularly by compost turner.
Water: mixture should be moist, but not soaking wet to maintain activity without causing anaerobic conditions. Bad odors are a sign that the heap is too wet or contains excessive green material. Turn it to mix in air by compost turner, and add more dry material. Maggots are the larvae of various flies; many are beneficial insects. Ants are a sign that the material is too dry. Add water.
Temperature: The temperature of the compost pile is very important and is an indication of the microbial activity of the decomposition process. track the temperature inside the heap is use the thermograph. If it is warm or hot, everything is decomposing as it should, but if it is the same temperature as the surrounding air, the microbial activity has slowed down and you need to add more materials that are high in nitrogen to the heap.
Make sure your material is cut into a small particle size as smaller particles break down more rapidly best chose fertilizer crusher
Use the compost turner turn the compost regularly
Turn your pile regularly, once every week or two. Mixing the pile in this way helps to keep air flowing inside the pile, which encourages aerobic decomposition. Anaerobic decomposition will smell very stinky (generally sour, like vinegar) and they decompose materials more slowly than aerobic bacteria. Turning the pile helps to encourage the growth of the right kind of bacteria and makes for a nice, sweet-smelling pile that will decompose faster.
To make good quality and nutritious bio-organic fertilizer, this is necessary compost turner integrates blending and crushing for bio-organics decomposing. It accelerates fermentation speed and prevents generation of poisonous and smelly gas such as sulfuretted hydrogen, amine gas, etc. Therefore, compost turner is in favor of environment and improves fertilizer efficiency. Whirlston Machinery can offer you various kinds of compost turners which enjoy great popularity for their unique advantages to meet your different requirements.
Five important components to work effectively
Nitrogen (Green ingredients also wetter materials ): supply your pile with nitrogen which grow and reproduce organisms to oxidize the carbon. These additions are often green and wet:Fruit and vegetable trimmings, herbicide-free grass clippings . Every pile needs the green ingredients, Too much green stuff can lead to a rotting pile instead of a composting pile.

Oxygen, for oxidizing the carbon, facilitating the decomposition process. Done by regularly turning the mixture. If your compost becomes starved of oxygen, then it starts to produce greenhouse gases - so it's important to get air into your compost heap, for example turning it regularly by compost turner.
Water: mixture should be moist, but not soaking wet to maintain activity without causing anaerobic conditions. Bad odors are a sign that the heap is too wet or contains excessive green material. Turn it to mix in air by compost turner, and add more dry material. Maggots are the larvae of various flies; many are beneficial insects. Ants are a sign that the material is too dry. Add water.
Temperature: The temperature of the compost pile is very important and is an indication of the microbial activity of the decomposition process. track the temperature inside the heap is use the thermograph. If it is warm or hot, everything is decomposing as it should, but if it is the same temperature as the surrounding air, the microbial activity has slowed down and you need to add more materials that are high in nitrogen to the heap.
Make sure your material is cut into a small particle size as smaller particles break down more rapidly best chose fertilizer crusher
Use the compost turner turn the compost regularly
Turn your pile regularly, once every week or two. Mixing the pile in this way helps to keep air flowing inside the pile, which encourages aerobic decomposition. Anaerobic decomposition will smell very stinky (generally sour, like vinegar) and they decompose materials more slowly than aerobic bacteria. Turning the pile helps to encourage the growth of the right kind of bacteria and makes for a nice, sweet-smelling pile that will decompose faster.
To make good quality and nutritious bio-organic fertilizer, this is necessary compost turner integrates blending and crushing for bio-organics decomposing. It accelerates fermentation speed and prevents generation of poisonous and smelly gas such as sulfuretted hydrogen, amine gas, etc. Therefore, compost turner is in favor of environment and improves fertilizer efficiency. Whirlston Machinery can offer you various kinds of compost turners which enjoy great popularity for their unique advantages to meet your different requirements.
Monday, August 12, 2013
The Benefits of Use Compost
What is the compost
Compost is a versatile product resulting from composting - the biodegradation of organic waste, industrially, commercially or domestically produced. The basic use is conditioning and fertilizing soil by the addition of humus, nutrients and beneficial soil bacteria, with a wide range of specific applications. also is a way to control household waste. And while minimizing waste is one significant benefit of composting
Using compost as mulch, in the soil or as potting media is beneficial in many ways. Compost contains a full spectrum of essential plant nutrients often absent in synthetic fertilizers, releases nutrients slowly—over months or years, unlike synthetic fertilizers, enriched soil retains fertilizers better.
1. Improve soil structure
Soil structure refers to the way inorganic particles, such as sand, silt and clay, combine with decayed organic particles, like humus and compost. Soil with a healthy structure is crumbly to the touch, allowing plenty of room for air, water and energy to move freely.
Compost helps bind clusters of soil particles, called aggregates, which provide good soil structure. Such soil is full of tiny air channels & pores that hold air, moisture and nutrients. it can hold nutrients tight enough to prevent them from washing out, but loosely enough so plants can take them up as needed. makes any soil easier to work, brings and feeds diverse life in the soil. These bacteria, fungi, insects, worms and more support healthy plant growth.
2. improve crop yields
When organic material is broken down in a compost pile, the decomposition process produces the best fertilizer you’ll ever find, the soil food web. Simply soil food web is a community of organisms that live their lives in the soil, from microorganisms like bacteria and fungi to macroorganisms like earthworms and beetles. all of these organisms are essential to healthy soil and will only improve crop yields.
Compost bacteria break down organics into plant available nutrients. Some bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into a plant available nutrient. beneficial insects makes the soil enrich, and the worms and other organisms that burrow through soil keeping it well aerated. so compost may suppress diseases and harmful pests that could overrun poor lifeless soil.
3. protecting waters
Improving soil structure and boosting nutrient content is about more than producing healthier crops. Fertile soil also has far greater moisture retention
Healthy soil is an important factor in protecting our waters. Compost increases soil’s ability to retain water because it encourages healthy root systems, which decrease runoff, even just have a 5% increase in organic material but have quadruples soils water holding capacity. Compost can reduce or eliminate use of synthetic fertilizers,reduce chemical pesticides since it contains beneficial microorganisms that may protect plants from diseases and pests.
4. Balance the PH
Compost buffers the soil, neutralizing both acid & alkaline soils, bringing pH levels to the optimum range for nutrient availability to plants.
Compost helps sandy soil retain water and nutrients. it loosens tightly bound particles in clay or silt soil so roots can spread, water drain & air penetrate.
5. Ward off Plant Diseases
Research is showing us that soil treated with compost tends to produce plants with fewer pest problems,Compost helps to control diseases and insects that might otherwise overrun a more sterile soil lacking natural checks against their spread.
If you need compost in the industry, Whirlston Machinery can offer you various kinds of compost turners which enjoy great popularity for their unique advantages to meet your different requirements.
Compost is a versatile product resulting from composting - the biodegradation of organic waste, industrially, commercially or domestically produced. The basic use is conditioning and fertilizing soil by the addition of humus, nutrients and beneficial soil bacteria, with a wide range of specific applications. also is a way to control household waste. And while minimizing waste is one significant benefit of composting
Using compost as mulch, in the soil or as potting media is beneficial in many ways. Compost contains a full spectrum of essential plant nutrients often absent in synthetic fertilizers, releases nutrients slowly—over months or years, unlike synthetic fertilizers, enriched soil retains fertilizers better.
1. Improve soil structure
Soil structure refers to the way inorganic particles, such as sand, silt and clay, combine with decayed organic particles, like humus and compost. Soil with a healthy structure is crumbly to the touch, allowing plenty of room for air, water and energy to move freely.
Compost helps bind clusters of soil particles, called aggregates, which provide good soil structure. Such soil is full of tiny air channels & pores that hold air, moisture and nutrients. it can hold nutrients tight enough to prevent them from washing out, but loosely enough so plants can take them up as needed. makes any soil easier to work, brings and feeds diverse life in the soil. These bacteria, fungi, insects, worms and more support healthy plant growth.
2. improve crop yields
When organic material is broken down in a compost pile, the decomposition process produces the best fertilizer you’ll ever find, the soil food web. Simply soil food web is a community of organisms that live their lives in the soil, from microorganisms like bacteria and fungi to macroorganisms like earthworms and beetles. all of these organisms are essential to healthy soil and will only improve crop yields.
Compost bacteria break down organics into plant available nutrients. Some bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into a plant available nutrient. beneficial insects makes the soil enrich, and the worms and other organisms that burrow through soil keeping it well aerated. so compost may suppress diseases and harmful pests that could overrun poor lifeless soil.
3. protecting waters
Improving soil structure and boosting nutrient content is about more than producing healthier crops. Fertile soil also has far greater moisture retention
Healthy soil is an important factor in protecting our waters. Compost increases soil’s ability to retain water because it encourages healthy root systems, which decrease runoff, even just have a 5% increase in organic material but have quadruples soils water holding capacity. Compost can reduce or eliminate use of synthetic fertilizers,reduce chemical pesticides since it contains beneficial microorganisms that may protect plants from diseases and pests.
4. Balance the PH
Compost buffers the soil, neutralizing both acid & alkaline soils, bringing pH levels to the optimum range for nutrient availability to plants.
Compost helps sandy soil retain water and nutrients. it loosens tightly bound particles in clay or silt soil so roots can spread, water drain & air penetrate.
5. Ward off Plant Diseases
Research is showing us that soil treated with compost tends to produce plants with fewer pest problems,Compost helps to control diseases and insects that might otherwise overrun a more sterile soil lacking natural checks against their spread.
If you need compost in the industry, Whirlston Machinery can offer you various kinds of compost turners which enjoy great popularity for their unique advantages to meet your different requirements.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Urea is the King of Fertilizers
What is Urea Fertilizer
Worldwide, urea is one of the most widely used dry granular sources of nitrogen. Most fertilizers provide three primary nutrients: N P K. Nitrogen initiates vegetative growth. Phosphorous improves roots and flowering. Potassium can strengthen resistance to shock such as extremes in temperature or insect attack. Urea is one concentrated source of available nitrogen.
Urea is The King of Fertilizers
The main function of urea is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth. primarily used for bloom growth and vertical height , It can make the plants look lush, and it’s necessary for the photosynthesis of plants. Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer. Firstly, it has high nitrogen content about 46 percent. Secondly, it is a white crystalline organic chemical compound, neutral and can adapt to almost all the land although urea is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish, synthetic urea is manufactured with anhydrous ammonia. Thirdly, urea is widely used in the agriculture sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.
Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
Highest nitrogen content. This percentage is much higher than other available nitrogenous fertilizers in the market, and the cost of production of urea is relatively low. not subject to fire or explosion hazards, so there is no risk in the storage of urea. urea can be mixed with other fertilizers or used it alone. For plants that love acidic soils, urea is one of the top fertilizers for acidifying soils. For gardeners who grow crops like corn, strawberries, blueberries and other heavy nitrogen feeders, urea will supply immediate and powerful applications of nitrogen.
Disadvantages of Urea Fertilizer
As a result of the chemical reaction that takes place when urea is applied to the soil, special care must be taken to ensure that the nitrogen is not lost when the ammonium evaporates. the urea with very high solubility and hygroscopic , need better packaging quality ,and not as stable as other solid nitrogenous fertilizers, decomposes even at room temperatures that results in serious loss that makes dry storage conditions imperative. If urea contains impurities more than 2 percent, it cannot be used as a fertilizer, since the impurities are toxic to certain crops, particularly citrus.
Use Urea Fertilizer
When urea is placed on the surface of the soil, a chemical reaction takes place that changes the urea to ammonium bicarbonate. The ammonium will convert into a gas, which is then lost if not protected. Urea should be applied at the time of sowing. It should not come in contact with the seeds. Urea is highly concentrated, it should be used in combination with earth or sand before its application. If urea is used as a top-dressing material, it should be incorporated into the soil with a tillage operation of application or should be applied prior to a soaking rain.
Tips of Blending Urea
Urea is readily blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate. But, urea must not be mixed with any superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending, because urea reacts with superphosphate liberating water molecules. This will produce a damp material that is hard to store and apply
Worldwide, urea is one of the most widely used dry granular sources of nitrogen. Most fertilizers provide three primary nutrients: N P K. Nitrogen initiates vegetative growth. Phosphorous improves roots and flowering. Potassium can strengthen resistance to shock such as extremes in temperature or insect attack. Urea is one concentrated source of available nitrogen.
Urea is The King of Fertilizers
The main function of urea is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth. primarily used for bloom growth and vertical height , It can make the plants look lush, and it’s necessary for the photosynthesis of plants. Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer. Firstly, it has high nitrogen content about 46 percent. Secondly, it is a white crystalline organic chemical compound, neutral and can adapt to almost all the land although urea is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish, synthetic urea is manufactured with anhydrous ammonia. Thirdly, urea is widely used in the agriculture sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.
Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
Highest nitrogen content. This percentage is much higher than other available nitrogenous fertilizers in the market, and the cost of production of urea is relatively low. not subject to fire or explosion hazards, so there is no risk in the storage of urea. urea can be mixed with other fertilizers or used it alone. For plants that love acidic soils, urea is one of the top fertilizers for acidifying soils. For gardeners who grow crops like corn, strawberries, blueberries and other heavy nitrogen feeders, urea will supply immediate and powerful applications of nitrogen.
Disadvantages of Urea Fertilizer
As a result of the chemical reaction that takes place when urea is applied to the soil, special care must be taken to ensure that the nitrogen is not lost when the ammonium evaporates. the urea with very high solubility and hygroscopic , need better packaging quality ,and not as stable as other solid nitrogenous fertilizers, decomposes even at room temperatures that results in serious loss that makes dry storage conditions imperative. If urea contains impurities more than 2 percent, it cannot be used as a fertilizer, since the impurities are toxic to certain crops, particularly citrus.
Use Urea Fertilizer
When urea is placed on the surface of the soil, a chemical reaction takes place that changes the urea to ammonium bicarbonate. The ammonium will convert into a gas, which is then lost if not protected. Urea should be applied at the time of sowing. It should not come in contact with the seeds. Urea is highly concentrated, it should be used in combination with earth or sand before its application. If urea is used as a top-dressing material, it should be incorporated into the soil with a tillage operation of application or should be applied prior to a soaking rain.
Tips of Blending Urea
Urea is readily blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate. But, urea must not be mixed with any superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending, because urea reacts with superphosphate liberating water molecules. This will produce a damp material that is hard to store and apply
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Build an Organic Farming

Organic farming methods use of renewable resources and conservation of soil and water. make more healthier crops and animals, reduces their susceptibility to disease. Common techniques used by organic farmers to manage soil quality offer the best, currently available, practical model for addressing climate-friendly food production. This is because it is less dependent on oil-based fertilisers and pesticides and confers resilience in the face of climatic extremes. It also stores higher levels of carbon in the soil, and as a result if organic farming was common practice in the China, we could offset at least 23% of agriculture's current greenhouse emissions.
Compost is organic material used with success in both home gardens and farms. It is made of decaying and decayed organic wastes and is spread on garden beds and organically farmed fields. turn compost to bio-organic fertilizer which is environment protecting and earth quality improving. It uses the modern fertilizing technology to make bio-organic fertilizer from such materials as agri-waste,manure,daily life garbage,slush and vinasse,etc. Compost fermentation is rather an advanced and the most economical fertilizing method to build a biologic organic farming.
Cover crops in general are used to protect the soil's surface from water and wind erosion, help maintain soil structure, and help maintain the level of organic matter of the soil, all of which keeps soil healthy. Green manure is a type of cover crop grown specifically to add nutrients back into the soil; manure is plowed together with the soil, positively increasing the soil's organic matter. Cover crops are also used in place of conventional pesticides to keep weeds at bay and as a eliminate to pests.
Crop rotations are also part of the strategy organic farmers use to help sustain soil fertility. For example, this year an organic farmer may grow wheat on a field, graze sheep on that field next, and plan to plant a cover crop of clover the year after. a diversity of crops and animals are raised on the farm and rotated around the farm over several seasons, including fallow periods. This mixed farming approach helps break cycles of pests and disease and builds fertility in the soil
The routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormer is banned. instead the farmer will use preventative methods, like moving animals to fresh pasture and keeping smaller herd and flock sizes, free-range life for farm animals is guaranteed
Friday, July 19, 2013
Phosphatic Fertilizer Export Current Situation
In the whole phosphorus industry chains both in domestic and abroad, it sees the booming
upstream industry. More and more phosphate enterprises energetically expand upstream industry and improve the structure of its phosphate industry. Integration of phosphorus industry seems inevitable in future. Meanwhile, integration and snatch of phosphorus are also happening in the global. Even under the depressed global economic situation, some of phosphate fertilizer enterprises are still optimistic about the future of phosphorus industry especially for the upstream. It predicts that this condition will last for some time.
Phosphate Fertilizer in China
China loosens export of phosphate fertilizer. In accordance with the new export tariff, China is to loosen the export policy on phosphate fertilizer (including ammonium phosphate (DAP & MAP) and triple superphosphate). The new export tariff will take effect on Jan.1, 2013. In general, both in short run and long run, the loosened export policy is bound to benefit China’s phosphate fertilizer market.In the short term, China’s export tariff adjustment for phosphate fertilizer shored up the confidence of phosphate fertilizer firms and reversed the falling price for phosphate fertilizer. In the long term, China’s phosphate fertilizer firms would be motivated to export DAP and MAP in the high-tariff period of 2013 due to the reduction in cost of export.
India Demand Phosphatic Fertilizer
India, the world's second-biggest wheat, sugarcane and rice producer, is a critical market for fertilizer producers. It is the biggest global phosphate importer and relies completely on foreign potash supplies. Russia the world's second-largest producer of finished phosphate products, is more optimistic. expects India's phosphate imports to hold steady this year, as a favorable monsoon season gives farmers incentive to maximize production with fertilizer.
India cut the subsidies on phosphate fertilizers and potash-based fertilizers in the fiscal year . The subsidy for diammonium phosphate (DAP) has been cut by 14 percent from a year ago to 12,350 rupees per tonne for 2013-2014, and for muriate of potash (MoP) by 21.5 percent to 11,300 rupees per tonne. but also decreased the maximum retail price for farmers. The cut for the second year in a row will limit Indian fertilizer companies' ability to pass on falls in global fertilizer prices to local farmers and thereby stem any rebound in consumption of potash and phosphate based fertilizers which fell by nearly 30 percent last year. The net result is a marginally lower price for farmers and a likely increase in overall . It will also limit India's imports of potash and phosphate. India imports all its potash and also buys about 90 percent of its phosphate fertilizer from abroad.
Phosphate Fertilizer in North Africa
Morocco, home to more than half of the world’s rock phosphate resources. The OCP is Morocco’s largest industrial company which controls more than half the world’s phosphate reserves. The company employs 18,000 people and indirectly supports more than 40,000 jobs across Morocco. It accounts for 3.5% of Morocco’s GDP.
A new $498 million phosphoric acid plant has started operating in the Tunisian. It’s a joint venture between Indian fertilizer maker and Tunisian state-owned enterprises . Indian news reports say the plant will use around 1.4 million tonnes of Tunisian rock phosphate per year, producing 360,000 tonnes of phosphoric acid annually. And neighboring Algeria has now invited Indian companies for undertaking a feasibility study for cooperation in its fertilizer sector. The proposal was reportedly made by a Algerian trade delegation visiting New Delhi. 800 billion tonnes of phosphate reserves remain to be exploited in the country. Algeria also plans to increase its phosphate processing capacity by 5 million tonnes.
upstream industry. More and more phosphate enterprises energetically expand upstream industry and improve the structure of its phosphate industry. Integration of phosphorus industry seems inevitable in future. Meanwhile, integration and snatch of phosphorus are also happening in the global. Even under the depressed global economic situation, some of phosphate fertilizer enterprises are still optimistic about the future of phosphorus industry especially for the upstream. It predicts that this condition will last for some time.
Phosphate Fertilizer in China
China loosens export of phosphate fertilizer. In accordance with the new export tariff, China is to loosen the export policy on phosphate fertilizer (including ammonium phosphate (DAP & MAP) and triple superphosphate). The new export tariff will take effect on Jan.1, 2013. In general, both in short run and long run, the loosened export policy is bound to benefit China’s phosphate fertilizer market.In the short term, China’s export tariff adjustment for phosphate fertilizer shored up the confidence of phosphate fertilizer firms and reversed the falling price for phosphate fertilizer. In the long term, China’s phosphate fertilizer firms would be motivated to export DAP and MAP in the high-tariff period of 2013 due to the reduction in cost of export.
India Demand Phosphatic Fertilizer
India, the world's second-biggest wheat, sugarcane and rice producer, is a critical market for fertilizer producers. It is the biggest global phosphate importer and relies completely on foreign potash supplies. Russia the world's second-largest producer of finished phosphate products, is more optimistic. expects India's phosphate imports to hold steady this year, as a favorable monsoon season gives farmers incentive to maximize production with fertilizer.
India cut the subsidies on phosphate fertilizers and potash-based fertilizers in the fiscal year . The subsidy for diammonium phosphate (DAP) has been cut by 14 percent from a year ago to 12,350 rupees per tonne for 2013-2014, and for muriate of potash (MoP) by 21.5 percent to 11,300 rupees per tonne. but also decreased the maximum retail price for farmers. The cut for the second year in a row will limit Indian fertilizer companies' ability to pass on falls in global fertilizer prices to local farmers and thereby stem any rebound in consumption of potash and phosphate based fertilizers which fell by nearly 30 percent last year. The net result is a marginally lower price for farmers and a likely increase in overall . It will also limit India's imports of potash and phosphate. India imports all its potash and also buys about 90 percent of its phosphate fertilizer from abroad.
Phosphate Fertilizer in North Africa
Morocco, home to more than half of the world’s rock phosphate resources. The OCP is Morocco’s largest industrial company which controls more than half the world’s phosphate reserves. The company employs 18,000 people and indirectly supports more than 40,000 jobs across Morocco. It accounts for 3.5% of Morocco’s GDP.
A new $498 million phosphoric acid plant has started operating in the Tunisian. It’s a joint venture between Indian fertilizer maker and Tunisian state-owned enterprises . Indian news reports say the plant will use around 1.4 million tonnes of Tunisian rock phosphate per year, producing 360,000 tonnes of phosphoric acid annually. And neighboring Algeria has now invited Indian companies for undertaking a feasibility study for cooperation in its fertilizer sector. The proposal was reportedly made by a Algerian trade delegation visiting New Delhi. 800 billion tonnes of phosphate reserves remain to be exploited in the country. Algeria also plans to increase its phosphate processing capacity by 5 million tonnes.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Influence of Nitrogen on Wheat
Nitrogen (N) is often the most deficient of all the plant
nutrients. Wheat is very sensitive to insufficient nitrogen and very responsive to nitrogen fertilization. The most important role of N in the plant is its presences in the structure of protein, the most important building substances from which the living material or protoplasm of every cell is made. In addition, nitrogen is also found in chlorophyll, the green coloring matter of leaves. Chlorophyll enables the plant to transfer energy from sunlight by photosynthesis. Therefore, the nitrogen supply to the plant will influence the amount of protein, protoplasm and chlorophyll formed. In turn, this influences cell size and leaf area, and photosynthetic activity.
Deficiency Symptoms
The most easily observed symptom of nitrogen deficiency is the yellowing (chlorosis) of leaves due to a drop in chlorophyll content and pale green (chlorotic) plants that are poorly tillered . This symptom is usually noticed first in the more mature leaves, and last in the upper actively growing leaves, because the N is translocated from older to new leaves to sustain growth. Thus, the older leaves will wither and result in poor plant growth and yield reduction. Generally growth is slowed, stunted and firing of the leaf tips and margins is evident.
Excessive Symptoms
Excessive N can cause lodging, increased disease incidence and severity, and lower yield. Additionally, excessive N may result in increased levels of N in ground and surface waters, with negative environmental (and economic) consequences. Nitrogen must be applied in a timely manner to maximize yield potential. Delaying N application after to an N-deficient crop will result in decreased yield potential most years. Proper N rate and timing are important for high tiller numbers and yield .
The Wheat Growth Rule
Before winter, it adopts large amount of nitrogen fertilizer,and the less amount of phosphatic fertilizer and potassic fertilizer. In order to satisfy the nitrogen fertilizer demand, people used to spread 1.5-2.5 kg nitrogen fertilizer to increase wheat growing. During wheat seedling period, it stills need more nitrogen fertilizer,but with the increasing amount of phosphatic fertilizer and potassic fertilizer. The fertilizer applied in Winter mainly plays its role in spring.
Wheat Nutrition
By the time the grain formation period starts nutrients accumulation is practically over and the formation of grain is progressing due to nutrients redistribution. During the stage of tillering and initiation of ear primordium spring grain crops need nitrogen more then ever – they take up to 40% of nitrogen consumed during the whole vegetation period. Phosphor helps on the root system development, large ear formation, earlier maturing. Shortage of phosphorus causes bad assimilation of nitrogen and potassium. Initial growth period is critical with regard to nitrogen and potassium. Shortage of these nutrients reduces crop yield by 20-30%.
Fertilizer N Sources.
Fertilizer N sources for wheat include ammonium nitrate (33-34% N), urea (45-46% N), and urea-ammonium nitrate solutions (28-32% N) chemical fertilizer and so on . All are equally good sources of wheat N nutrition, Wheat requires a small, but important, amount of N in the fall. in all tillage systems and regardless of previous crop residue. This requirement can almost always be met by soil N remaining after the preceding corn. Slow release N is now available for use on wheat. resulting in greener wheat.
nutrients. Wheat is very sensitive to insufficient nitrogen and very responsive to nitrogen fertilization. The most important role of N in the plant is its presences in the structure of protein, the most important building substances from which the living material or protoplasm of every cell is made. In addition, nitrogen is also found in chlorophyll, the green coloring matter of leaves. Chlorophyll enables the plant to transfer energy from sunlight by photosynthesis. Therefore, the nitrogen supply to the plant will influence the amount of protein, protoplasm and chlorophyll formed. In turn, this influences cell size and leaf area, and photosynthetic activity.
Deficiency Symptoms
The most easily observed symptom of nitrogen deficiency is the yellowing (chlorosis) of leaves due to a drop in chlorophyll content and pale green (chlorotic) plants that are poorly tillered . This symptom is usually noticed first in the more mature leaves, and last in the upper actively growing leaves, because the N is translocated from older to new leaves to sustain growth. Thus, the older leaves will wither and result in poor plant growth and yield reduction. Generally growth is slowed, stunted and firing of the leaf tips and margins is evident.
Excessive Symptoms
Excessive N can cause lodging, increased disease incidence and severity, and lower yield. Additionally, excessive N may result in increased levels of N in ground and surface waters, with negative environmental (and economic) consequences. Nitrogen must be applied in a timely manner to maximize yield potential. Delaying N application after to an N-deficient crop will result in decreased yield potential most years. Proper N rate and timing are important for high tiller numbers and yield .
The Wheat Growth Rule
Before winter, it adopts large amount of nitrogen fertilizer,and the less amount of phosphatic fertilizer and potassic fertilizer. In order to satisfy the nitrogen fertilizer demand, people used to spread 1.5-2.5 kg nitrogen fertilizer to increase wheat growing. During wheat seedling period, it stills need more nitrogen fertilizer,but with the increasing amount of phosphatic fertilizer and potassic fertilizer. The fertilizer applied in Winter mainly plays its role in spring.
Wheat Nutrition
By the time the grain formation period starts nutrients accumulation is practically over and the formation of grain is progressing due to nutrients redistribution. During the stage of tillering and initiation of ear primordium spring grain crops need nitrogen more then ever – they take up to 40% of nitrogen consumed during the whole vegetation period. Phosphor helps on the root system development, large ear formation, earlier maturing. Shortage of phosphorus causes bad assimilation of nitrogen and potassium. Initial growth period is critical with regard to nitrogen and potassium. Shortage of these nutrients reduces crop yield by 20-30%.
Fertilizer N Sources.
Fertilizer N sources for wheat include ammonium nitrate (33-34% N), urea (45-46% N), and urea-ammonium nitrate solutions (28-32% N) chemical fertilizer and so on . All are equally good sources of wheat N nutrition, Wheat requires a small, but important, amount of N in the fall. in all tillage systems and regardless of previous crop residue. This requirement can almost always be met by soil N remaining after the preceding corn. Slow release N is now available for use on wheat. resulting in greener wheat.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Types of Fertilizer in the Market
Classified by ingredients or characters, fertilizer includes
inorganic fertilizer,organic fertilizer and biofertilizer. Inorganic fertilizer is also called as chemical fertilizer like nitrogenous fertilizer,phosphatic fertilizer,potash fertilizer and BB fertilizer; Organic fertilizer is called as farmyard manure such as animal manure,green manure,cake fertilizer,barnyard manure and compost windrow,etc; Biofertilizers containing living cells or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants’ uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil. accelerate certain microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants.
By the requirement of a certain element, fertilizer can be needed in large amount,medium amount and micro amount. The large amount fertilizer is like nitrogenous fertilizer,phosphatic fertilizer,potash fertilizer; the medium amount need fertilizer is like calcium fertilizer,magnesium fertilizer and sulfur fertilizer; the micro amount need fertilizer is the fertilizer with ingredients like iron, manganese,boron,zinc,copper, molybdenum and so on.
Categorize fertilizer into basic fertilizer,additional fertilizer,seed manure and foliar-fertilizer. Single-nutrient fertilizers will remain the dominant product while multi-nutrient and organic types grow the fastest.
Foliar fertilizer plants take in nutrients more efficiently through stomata (plant pores) than do through root uptake. give the growing things a quick boost with periodic mists or sprays of natural foliar fertilizers. Not only good for general fertilization but also an immediate way to revive and stimulate stressed, tired, or diseased plants. Foliar feeding is an effective way to compensate for soil deficiencies and poor soil’s inability to transfer nutrients to the plant. Tests have shown that foliar feeding can be 8 to 10 times more effective than soil feeding.
Seed manure is an excellent green manure that has bio fumigant properties. (Biofumigation is the suppression of soil borne pests & diseases by the release of naturally occurring gases). By combining the lush organic matter with the plants biofumigant properties the activity of beneficial soil microbes is increased, so they can outperform the pathogen microbes and this helps keep harmful soil diseases down.
BB fertilizer is a kind of bulk blending fertilizer which contains at least two elements among nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium. The widely applied formula fertilizer also belongs to bb fertilizer and it is specially formulated through nutrition and crop growing law which is very effective. The formula fertilizer is cost-effective and high-effect in crop, thus can increase profit.
We have seen controlled-release fertilizer which is a new type fertilizer. It can extend the effective period of fertilizer nutrition adoption by many controlling methods such as delay releasing initially. Formula fertilizer can improve fertilizer effect,reduce fertilizer amount and times, lower crop cost and environment pollution, improve crop quality. It is proved that the effective rate can be improved above 20% by using formula fertilizer.
inorganic fertilizer,organic fertilizer and biofertilizer. Inorganic fertilizer is also called as chemical fertilizer like nitrogenous fertilizer,phosphatic fertilizer,potash fertilizer and BB fertilizer; Organic fertilizer is called as farmyard manure such as animal manure,green manure,cake fertilizer,barnyard manure and compost windrow,etc; Biofertilizers containing living cells or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants’ uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil. accelerate certain microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants.
By the requirement of a certain element, fertilizer can be needed in large amount,medium amount and micro amount. The large amount fertilizer is like nitrogenous fertilizer,phosphatic fertilizer,potash fertilizer; the medium amount need fertilizer is like calcium fertilizer,magnesium fertilizer and sulfur fertilizer; the micro amount need fertilizer is the fertilizer with ingredients like iron, manganese,boron,zinc,copper, molybdenum and so on.
Categorize fertilizer into basic fertilizer,additional fertilizer,seed manure and foliar-fertilizer. Single-nutrient fertilizers will remain the dominant product while multi-nutrient and organic types grow the fastest.
Foliar fertilizer plants take in nutrients more efficiently through stomata (plant pores) than do through root uptake. give the growing things a quick boost with periodic mists or sprays of natural foliar fertilizers. Not only good for general fertilization but also an immediate way to revive and stimulate stressed, tired, or diseased plants. Foliar feeding is an effective way to compensate for soil deficiencies and poor soil’s inability to transfer nutrients to the plant. Tests have shown that foliar feeding can be 8 to 10 times more effective than soil feeding.
Seed manure is an excellent green manure that has bio fumigant properties. (Biofumigation is the suppression of soil borne pests & diseases by the release of naturally occurring gases). By combining the lush organic matter with the plants biofumigant properties the activity of beneficial soil microbes is increased, so they can outperform the pathogen microbes and this helps keep harmful soil diseases down.

We have seen controlled-release fertilizer which is a new type fertilizer. It can extend the effective period of fertilizer nutrition adoption by many controlling methods such as delay releasing initially. Formula fertilizer can improve fertilizer effect,reduce fertilizer amount and times, lower crop cost and environment pollution, improve crop quality. It is proved that the effective rate can be improved above 20% by using formula fertilizer.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Five Main Importers of Potash Fertilizer
Potash contains potassium, which is one of the three main agricultural fertilizers (the other two are phosphorus and nitrogen). Potash has been derived from organic plant ashes for centuries (hence the name pot-ash). In 1808, chemists derived potash from caustic potash by way of electrolysis. Potash is used in fertilizing agricultural land and also to a lesser extent in animal feed supplements, water filtration, aluminum recycling, snow and ice melting, and soap making. When added to crops, potash improves the water retention, nutrients, yield, and pest resistance of plants. The major importers of potash are Canada ,Brazil, and India.
The major suppliers of potash are relatively few companies located in Canada (which has nearly half of the world potash reserves), Canada potash fertilizer company has targeted its future goal to the whole world including the increasingly mature North American fertilizer market and the continuously rising Asian and South American market. Among them, China has been the largest potential fertilizer consuming market. China has 90 million agricultural population which covers 64% of the total population. We believe that the potash fertilizer consumption in China is amazingly huge. The increasing of income brings about the rising demand on meat,fruits and vegetables which has direct influence on potash fertilizer application.
Brazil is the second largest potash fertilizer importer and the amount last year was 7.7 million tons. Brazil is the superpower in the world agriculture field and the crops growing depends largely on potash fertilizer.
India has 1.2 billion population which accounts for 18% in the world. However, India only covers 11% of the agricultural acreage and the crops productivity is 20%-25% of that in America. Therefore, using potash fertilizer in a more balance and effective way is the only wise method for Indian people to make their limited agricultural acreage high productivity. Up to last year, India has imported potash about 2.7 million ton and listed as the NO.3 potash fertilizer importer. It is predicted that the total import amount of potash fertilizer will be exceeded 4 million tons in 2013.
Indonesia and Malaysia are respectively the fourth and fifth potash fertilizer importers, and the import amount is 2.4 million tons and 1.5 million tons. Southeast Asia region produces 85% palm oil and 40% rice for the whole world. Because of the limited agricultural acreage,the world’s increasing demand on palm oil and rice, the farmers are forced to apply more potash fertilizer to raise production. It is anticipated that the total import amount in these two countries will reach 2.6 million tons and 1.7 million tons.
By comparison of the five countries potash fertilizer import situation, make such a conclusion: on one hand, potash fertilizer demand has such a strong return trend that in the near future the main potash fertilizer importers will increase import amount to satisfy their requirements. On the other hand, China and India has completed their trade contracts and the agricultural products price will rise accordingly. This will stimulate farmers demand on potash fertilizer and make them to the major potash fertilizer consumers. According to the International Fertilizer Industry Association, demand will rise approximately by 4.7% through 2015. With a rising demand for potash from emerging economies and need for more efficient farming, the expected increase in supply should be able to meet this new demand.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Turning household garbage into Organic Fertilizer
Current situation of household garbage treatment, with the continuous increasing of the population all over the world, the garbage produced from our daily life have also greatly increased. Then there rises a serious problem, how to reasonably solve so large amount of life wastes? Currently, the main treatments of the city life waste are landfilling and burning method. However, this may bring about serious environmental pollution is harmful to human health. So it’s necessary to seek for a better solution to meet eco-friendly requirements.
With the social economic development a popular and novel organic fertilizer equipment----self-propelled compost turning machine has emerged solve this problem. It can make those dirty household into valuable organic fertilizer. Not only deal with the household garbage but also make the garbage into a kind of wealth. Here we will illustrate this advanced composting method in details to help you have a better understanding.
Self-propelled compost turner is born to turn compost to bio-organic fertilizer which is environment protecting and earth quality improving. It uses the modern fertilizing technology to make bio-organic fertilizer from such materials as agri-waste,manure,daily life garbage,slush and vinasse,etc. Compost fermentation is rather an advanced and the most economical fertilizing method to save land and labor sources. The bio-organic materials should be piled on the ground or in workshops in a strip shape. During compost turning, compost turner integrates blending and crushing for bio-organics decomposing. It accelerates fermentation speed and prevents generation of poisonous and smelly gas such as sulfuretted hydrogen,amine gas,etc.therefore,compost is in favor of environment and improves fertilizer influence.
Turn Household Garbage into Organic Fertilizer
The main process of organic fertilizer making is fermentation, that is adding bacterial species in the raw materials and stirring with the organic fertilizer compost turning machine. Generally 7 to 10 days is OK, which plays sterilization and deodorant effect as well as produce beneficial bacteria. The standard of moisture content is 40%-50%. However, there are some tips you should pay more attention to, including: choose a proper space which has adequate room, convenient operation and good drainage system for the organic fertilizer processing. Collect raw materials, here refers to various city life wastes,household garbage and lay them in a long pile. Turn the pile regularly everyday by the compost turning machine to meet the the growing demands of the bacterial species. After complete fermentation, the finished product organic fertilizer is formed and can be sold directly.
From the above analysis, we can come to see that it’s not that difficult to turn our city wastes into valuable organic fertilizer, only a compost turning machine is enough. Whirston keep on researching and developing new technology in fertilizer equipment design so as to make it more favorable to operate and process more materials. willing to manufacture innovative fertilizer equipment for recycling more household or municipal garbage and turn waste to wealth.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
The Benefits of Chicken Manure
Chicken manure is used as organic fertilizer. This is eco-friendly and can achieve resource recycling. As in daily life, poultry or livestock manure are always dealt with improperly so that result in environmental problems which may destroy the ecological balance and also a waste of energy. Actually,chicken manure itself has many remarkable advantages compared to other poultry manure while used to make organic fertilizer.
Lots of Nitrogen
Like other birds, chickens do not urinate. Therefore, all of the nitrogen which other animals excrete through their urine is in the chicken litter. To balance out the high level of nitrogen, add in trace minerals and apply calcium to your soil. Chicken manure has one of the highest contents of nitrogen of any manure. Nitrogen in chicken manure is also in a more available form than the nitrogen in non-bird manures. it is also considered a "hot" manure and can burn plants if it is used directly in the garden. It has to be composted with the addition of some other organic ingredient like sawdust or straw before it can be used safely. Composting breaks down the high levels of nitrogen and makes chicken manure more mellow for use
Best Soil Amendment
Chicken manure is considered an excellent soil amendment. Chicken manure is the excreta of poultry that is used as a fertilizer. Based on the amount of nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium to plants than cow, sheep, or horse manure fertilizer. It also helps to restore depleted soil to a healthy PH balance, loose the soil and improve the quality of agricultural products and plants . . It adds rich organic matter to the soil and increases soil holding capacity. It is also a source of beneficial and essential bacteria that were a part of the poultry' s digestive system. These bacteria create an environment in the soil where the plants are able to absorb nutrients more readily.
Pure Manure
Chickens are vegetarians, and the manure they produce is naturally free from the parasites and diseases that are likely to be present in the manure of meat-consuming animals. Chicken manure is low in salt and weed seeds that are often present in the manure of other animals. Because chicken manure is so highly organic, there are fewer chances of harsh chemicals entering the soil if gardening is being done organically.
Economic Benefits
Chicken manure is much more valuable as a fertilizer than previously thought. Some cotton farmers are switching to chicken manure (Bio-organic Fertilizer) and away from standard inorganic, synthetic fertilizers. Previous studies only considered the economic value of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in chicken manure. compared to that in synthetic fertilizers. Farmers know that chicken litter, an organic fertilizer, is a better soil conditioner than synthetic fertilizers. Many other farmers are interested in the possible economic benefits of using chicken litter. They found that cotton yields peaked 12 percent higher with organic fertilizers, compared to peak yields with synthetic fertilizers. The economic analyses also showed that farmers could further increase their profits by using less of either fertilizer than currently used for maximum yields--which is also good news for the environment.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The Benefits of Bio-organic Fertilize Technology
Bio-Tech Organics believes balance is the key to better farming. We start in the soil where conditions affect the soil-food-web and the ability of important soil organisms to function. These include fungi, bacteria, protozoa, earthworms, predatory mites and beneficial nematodes. The work of these soil organisms have a direct affect on the way in which plants grow and produce. These microbes assist in the areas of soil structure, disease suppression, humus production, remineralization, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, vitamin production, plant growth factors and ultimately, nutritional quality of produce.
The use of bio-organic fertilizers is promoted as inexpensive alternatives to restore the fertility of poor degraded soils. Poor soils are the result of intensive agriculture, slash and burn methods, extensive use of pesticides and chemicals, mining, and urbanization. These practices degrade the quality of our soils and result to low yields and low productivity. When applied to crops, bioorganic fertilizers can supply specific nutrients to plants, thus these are also known as microbial fertilizers. Their effects include enhancing the supply and total volume of plants' nutritional elements, stimulating of plant growth, or stimulating of the plants' absorption of nutritional elements. They facilitate the continuous and long-term soil improvement, recycling and availability of nutrients and minerals essential for the survival, growth and fruit bearing of a wide variety of plants and trees.
Use of bio-organic fertilizers is profit from near zero capital there is more advantage to bio-organic fertilizers over the commercial chemical counterparts. It involves recycling of nutrients from waste material, it is a cheap alternative or supplement to inorganic fertilizers thus leading to increase in yield and profit, and is environment-friendly. Soil tilth and fertility are also mentioned and even enhanced. According to reports, with decreasing input price, bio-organic fertilizers can increase farmers yield and profit by as much as 30 to 200 %. Agricultural and industrial wastes if processed into biodegradable fertilizers and enhanced with microorganisms can continuously improve the growth, protection, and productivity of the plants/crops.
Compared with conventional fertilizer, the organic fertilizer produced with compost turner has many incomparable superiorities. Here are its advantages: Biological organic fertilizer is a stabilized organic fertilizer with an average to high nutrient content which can be safely stored and easily distributed. releases nutrients to the plants evenly and slowly. In addition, it serves as a positive influence on the humus balance. Convenient to use. After complete fermentation, the organic fertilizer has fragrant odor, loose texture and easy to apply. and mechanical application of the fertilizer is also available after granulating. Improving the utilization ratio of the fertilizer, perfecting soil environment and enhancing the quality of agricultural products. Bringing about considerable economic benefits with lower cost. Besides, the production of organic fertilizer by using the livestock and poultry manure, not only solved the problems of pollution and safe breeding of the poultry farms, greatly improved the working and living conditions of the practitioners, but also become a new economic growth point of the farms.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Why Urea Fertilizer is The King of Fertilizers?
What is Urea Fertilizer?
We all know that most fertilizers provide three primary nutrients: NPK. Nitrogen initiates vegetative growth. Phosphorous improves roots and flowering. Potassium can strengthen resistance to shock such as extremes in temperature or insect attack. Urea is one concentrated source of available nitrogen.
Why Urea Fertilizer is The King of Fertilizers?
Urea fertilizer is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer. There are two main reasons for urea fertilizer to be the king of fertilizers.
Firstly, it has high nitrogen content about 46 percent.
Secondly, it is a white crystalline organic chemical compound. It is neutral and can adapt to almost all the land. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish.
Thirdly, urea is widely used in the agriculture sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.
The main function of urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth. It can make the plants look lush, and it’s necessary for the photosynthesis of plants. Urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen, no phosphorus or potassium, so it’s primarily used for bloom growth and vertical height may not be desired.
Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
* Highest nitrogen content. This percentage is much higher than other available nitrogenous fertilizers in the market.
* The cost of production of urea is relatively low .
* Not subject to fire or explosion hazards, so there is no risk in the storage of urea.
* Wide application. Urea fertilizer can be used for all types of crops and soils and has no harm the soil.
Disadvantages of Urea Fertilizer?
* Very soluble in water and hygroscopic water, and requires better packaging quality.
* Not as stable as other solid nitrogenous fertilizers, decomposes even at room temperatures that results in serious loss.
* If urea contains impurities more than 2 percent, it cannot be used as a fertilizer, since the impurities are toxic to certain crops, particularly citrus.
How to Use Urea Fertilizer?
1. Urea should be applied at the time of sowing. It should not come in contact with the seeds. It also can be applied as a top dressing.
2. Since urea is highly concentrated, it should be used in combination with earth or sand before its application.
3. It should not be applied when the soil contains free water or is likely to remain wet for three or four days after application.
Tips of Blending Urea with Other Fertilizers
Urea is readily blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate. But, urea must not be mixed with any superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending, because urea reacts with superphosphate liberating water molecules. This will produce a damp material that is hard to store and apply.
We all know that most fertilizers provide three primary nutrients: NPK. Nitrogen initiates vegetative growth. Phosphorous improves roots and flowering. Potassium can strengthen resistance to shock such as extremes in temperature or insect attack. Urea is one concentrated source of available nitrogen.
Why Urea Fertilizer is The King of Fertilizers?
Urea fertilizer is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer. There are two main reasons for urea fertilizer to be the king of fertilizers.
Firstly, it has high nitrogen content about 46 percent.
Secondly, it is a white crystalline organic chemical compound. It is neutral and can adapt to almost all the land. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish.
Thirdly, urea is widely used in the agriculture sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.
The main function of urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth. It can make the plants look lush, and it’s necessary for the photosynthesis of plants. Urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen, no phosphorus or potassium, so it’s primarily used for bloom growth and vertical height may not be desired.
Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
* Highest nitrogen content. This percentage is much higher than other available nitrogenous fertilizers in the market.
* The cost of production of urea is relatively low .
* Not subject to fire or explosion hazards, so there is no risk in the storage of urea.
* Wide application. Urea fertilizer can be used for all types of crops and soils and has no harm the soil.
Disadvantages of Urea Fertilizer?
* Very soluble in water and hygroscopic water, and requires better packaging quality.
* Not as stable as other solid nitrogenous fertilizers, decomposes even at room temperatures that results in serious loss.
* If urea contains impurities more than 2 percent, it cannot be used as a fertilizer, since the impurities are toxic to certain crops, particularly citrus.
How to Use Urea Fertilizer?
1. Urea should be applied at the time of sowing. It should not come in contact with the seeds. It also can be applied as a top dressing.
2. Since urea is highly concentrated, it should be used in combination with earth or sand before its application.
3. It should not be applied when the soil contains free water or is likely to remain wet for three or four days after application.
Tips of Blending Urea with Other Fertilizers
Urea is readily blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate. But, urea must not be mixed with any superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending, because urea reacts with superphosphate liberating water molecules. This will produce a damp material that is hard to store and apply.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
How to make rational use of fertilizer?
All fertilizers supply plants with the nutrients they need to be in tip-top shape and for normal growth. Proper fertilizer use in agriculture can not only improve soil quality, promote healthy growth, increase crop yields, and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer.
Organic fertilizers are composed of natural ingredients from plants or animals. Examples include manure and plant parts such as leaves and peanut hulls. Compost, a blend of plant debris broken down by natural processes, is also considered a natural or organic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are manufactured from minerals or synthetic chemicals. Both organic and inorganic fertilizers supplement the soil and feed plants with nutrients.
However, organic and inorganic fertilizers supply nutrients to soil in different ways. Organic fertilizers create a healthy environment for the soil over a long period of time, while inorganic fertilizers work much more quickly, but fail to create a sustainable environment. Choose the one that best fits your needs, or consider combining them to get the best of both options.
Organic fertilizers are composed of natural ingredients from plants or animals. Examples include manure and plant parts such as leaves and peanut hulls. Compost, a blend of plant debris broken down by natural processes, is also considered a natural or organic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are manufactured from minerals or synthetic chemicals. Both organic and inorganic fertilizers supplement the soil and feed plants with nutrients.
However, organic and inorganic fertilizers supply nutrients to soil in different ways. Organic fertilizers create a healthy environment for the soil over a long period of time, while inorganic fertilizers work much more quickly, but fail to create a sustainable environment. Choose the one that best fits your needs, or consider combining them to get the best of both options.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
How to Grow Our Plants Well?
We all know that our crops and plants need a number of different chemical elements to grow and thrive well and luxuriantly. The most important are:
* Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - Available from air and water and therefore in plentiful supply
* Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (a.k.a. potash) - The three macronutrients and the three elements you find in most packaged fertilizers
* Sulfur, calcium, and magnesium - Secondary nutrients
* Boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc - Micronutrients
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed in the largest quantity by a plant. They are important because they are necessary for these basic building blocks. For example:
* Every amino acid contains nitrogen.
* Every molecule making up every cell's membrane contains phosphorous (the membrane molecules are called phospholipids), and so does every molecule of ATP (the main energy source of all cells).
* Potassium makes up 1 percent to 2 percent of the weight of any plant and, as an ion in cells, is essential to metabolism.
Without nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the plant simply cannot grow. If any of the macronutrients are missing or hard to obtain from the soil, this will limit the growth rate for the plant. In nature, the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium often come from the decay of plants. The recycling of nitrogen from dead to living plants is the only source of nitrogen in the soil.
The goal of fertilizer is to make plants grow faster. We can supply the elements that the plants need in readily available forms to meet the plants need. Most fertilizers just supply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium because their availability has the big limitation to growth. And the other chemicals are needed in much lower quantities and are generally available in most soils.
The numbers on a bag of fertilizer tell us the percentages of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium found in the bag. So 12-8-10 fertilizer has 12-percent nitrogen, 8-percent phosphorous and 10-percent potassium. In a 100-pound bag, therefore, 12 pounds is nitrogen, 8 pounds is phosphorous and 10 pounds is potassium. The other 70 pounds is known as ballast and has no value to the plants. Plants are factories that do all of the work to process the basic elements of life and make them available to us.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Compost Technology
What Is Compost?
Compost is a type of nutrient-rich,long manurial effect bio-organic fertilizer. It mainly consists of various plant residue(crop straw,weed,leaf,peat,rubbish and other waste,etc) and human or animal manure; these mixtures finally form compost by means of 7-10 days composting and decomposing. Compost plays quite a fundamental role in the whole growing process of crops and plants. To make good quality and nutritious bio-organic fertilizer, the very composting tool --compost turner is necessary.
Composting Biology
Composting is a method for treating solid waste in which organic material is broken down by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen to a point where it can be safely stored, handled and applied to the environment. Composting can benefit the environment as a natural fertilizer forgardening and farming.
Composting creates the ideal conditions for the natural decay or rotting processes that occur in nature. The compost conditions must be balanced for efficient decomposition.
* Organic waste - newspaper, leaves, grass, kitchen waste (fruits, vegetables), woody materials
* Plenty of air - source of oxygen, mixture should be turned daily or every other day
* Adequate water - mixture should be moist, but not soaking wet
* Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen - ratio should be about 30:1
* Small particle size - big pieces should be broken up, as smaller particles break down more rapidly
* Adequate amount of soil - should provide enough microorganisms for the process
How to Compost?
* During composting, microorganisms from the soil eat the organic (carbon containing) waste and break it down into its simplest parts. This produces a fiber-rich, carbon-containing humus with inorganic nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
* The microorganisms break the material down through aerobic respiration, and require oxygen that they get from the air you introduce when you turn the material in the compost bin. The microorganisms also require water to live and multiply.
* Through the respiration process, the microorganisms give off carbon dioxide and heat -- temperatures within compost piles can rise as high as 100 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the compost pile or bin is actively managed by turning and watering it regularly, the process of decomposing into finished compost can happen in as little as two to three weeks (otherwise, it may take months).
Why Compost?
The major goal of composting is to reduce the amount of solid waste you generate. If you reduce solid waste, you will save space in municipal landfills, which will ultimately save you tax money. Finished compost has the advantage of being a useful natural fertilizer that is more environmentally friendly than synthetic fertilizers.
The compost pile actually has a complex organization of living organisms -- a foodweb. All of the organisms work to balance the population of organisms within the compost, which increases the efficiency of the entire process.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Organic Farming
How do you know about organic farming? In this article, we will explore various organic farming methods. Organic farming methods emphasize the use of renewable resources and conservation of soil and water. It all starts with good soil. The right mix of soil leads to healthier crops and animals, reduces their susceptibility to disease, and increases the overall productivity of the farm. Common techniques used by organic farmers to manage soil quality -- which involves not just the soil itself but also water, weeds, disease and pests -- include the use of animal manure, compost, cover crops, green manures and crop rotation.
Compost is organic material used with success in both home gardens and farms. It is made of decaying and decayed organic wastes and is spread on garden beds and organically farmed fields. Examples include:
* Yard trimmings -- wood chips, grass clippings and leaves
* Food waste -- coffee grounds, tea bags, and fruits and vegetables
* Manures -- poultry, cow and horse
Using compost can encourage beneficial bacteria and fungi to grow, helping to create nutrient-rich, moist soil while also eliminating or reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
Green manures and cover crops also improve soil quality. Plants are grown specifically to benefit the soil and the main crops on the farm -- farmers choose from a variety of cover crop plants depending on the needs of their fields.
Cover crops in general are used to protect the soil's surface from water and wind erosion, help maintain soil structure, and help maintain the level of organic matter of the soil, all of which keeps soil healthy. Green manure is a type of cover crop grown specifically to add nutrients back into the soil; manure is plowed together with the soil, positively increasing the soil's organic matter.
Cover crops are also used in place of conventional pesticides to keep weeds at bay and as a distraction to pests. Have you ever noticed that weeds always seem to take over a bare patch of your lawn? They flourish where no other plants are growing in their way. Cover crops take up space where weeds would love to make their home. The idea behind using cover crops in pest control is to both lure beneficial pests, such as ladybugs, to the field all year round and to deter unwanted pests from the main crops by offering an attractive and tasty alternative.
Crop rotations are also part of the strategy organic farmers use to help sustain soil fertility. For example, this year an organic farmer may grow wheat on a field, graze sheep on that field next, and plan to plant a cover crop of clover the year after. When the same crop is grown on the same land year after year, known as mono-cropping, the soil can become depleted of nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Variety here really is the spice of life.
There is also a variety of sustainable and organic management techniques used in raising livestock, depending on the types of animals on the farm.
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