Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Fertilize Your Lawns

Lawns keep healthy depend on many factors, including adequate water, sunlight, and oxygen for respiration. The nutrients or essential elements absorbed by roots from the soil are also important for lawn growth. The purpose of fertilizing a lawn is to add the necessary nutrients in the required amounts and at the proper time to achieve desirable lawn qualities. Here is some smart tips to help proper lawn fertilization on organic lawn care.

* The first we should know is that is there is no need Phosphorus when fertilizer lawns. We all know that established lawns rarely need phosphorus to grow. Although phosphorus is an essential nutrient, but not a limiting factor to growth.

* You can test your soil for its nutrient content before you fertilize. A comprehensive test results will be applied the local. Before you add a nitrogen fertilizer, or an amendment like limestone, you should make sure it’s only what your lawn truly needs.

* If soil tests show that fertilizing is necessary, you should fertilize lawns at the right time. In grasses endure cold winters areas, fertilize in fall; energy stored in roots will provide all grass needs in spring. Elsewhere, fertilize in advance of the rainy season.

* Don’t go overboard High-Nitrogen Fertilizers. When fertilizer your lawn nitrogen, remember no high nitrogen fertilizer and don’t go overboard. It’s easy to burn your lawn with high-nitrogen fertilizers.

* Photosynthesis of plants both need fertilizer and water, so water also plays an important role for lawn growth. Without water, fertilizer won’t work properly.

* Spread Compost. Compost is probably all most lawns need to grow well. Compost can be applied at any time unlike commercial fertilizers including organic fertilizers.

* Mow Your Lawns Properly. There are some major mowing rules, one is watching the weather. If the weather is in a long time dry condition, then don’t mow. If you must mow during dry spells, trim only the smallest amount off the top.

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